About Us

Holland, MI, United States
Chris and I met through mutual friends Melissa and Andy Kuiper six years ago. I can honestly say that it was not love at first sight, but as time went on and I got to know Chris I realized that this was someone I wanted to get to know better. As we dated and got to know each other better it became apparent to me that Chris was someone who I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Chris and I were married June 11, 2005 and have been married for four years. In that time we have become the parents of two beautiful little boys. Simon Thomas, born August 3, 2007, is a very happy and energetic two year old. Baby Luke is a wonderful little baby born June 3, 2009. In the winter of 2008 Chris was offered a fantastic job with Sentry Insurance. He quickly excepted the job which has turned out to be his "dream" job. As a result of Chris starting this job we decided that after teaching first grade for 7 years that I would quit my job and stay at home with Simon and future children. Being at home is truly where my heart is and I am so thankful to be able to stay at home with Simon and Luke. Our family is truly blessed and we are very thankful for all we are given by God!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Thankful List!

The last couple of weeks I have noticed some of my friends making lists of thinks they are thankful. I thought it was high time that I stop and write out a list of the things that I am thankful for.
Here is the list(in no particular order):

1. My husband Chris - he is loving, hardworking, and an amazing father.

2. Simon - headstrong and stubborn, but incredibly loving and happy!!

3. Luke - sweet, happy and unconditionally loving

4. My mom and dad - loving and supportive in all ways and awesome grandparents
5. Tom and Sharon - I could not ask for better in-laws, they too are amazing grandparents
6. Cooie and Ta (my grandparents) - their unconditional love and support is incredible, not to mention they are the best "Greats" in the world!
7. Andrew and Matthew (my nephews) - I love them as if they were my own boys!

8. Kathy (my sister-in-law) - she is a great friend and an amazing mother!
9. My warm and cozy home
10. Our neighbors and neighborhood
11. My group of friends - you know true friendship when you can not talk for awhile and when you do you can pick up right where you left off.
12. Our small group - their prayer support and friendship
13. Our church - Ridge Point
14. Food - we have have far more than we need, when so many do not have enough
15. Chris job
16. The ability to be a stay at home mom
17. The Good Earth - my part-time job
18. A dependable vehicle
19. My pets (yes, even Molly) - the joy they bring to us and the boys is invaluable
20. Living the United States - Although I may not agree with everything (or anything) our government is doing right now it is fundamentally still the best country in the world.
21. My health and the healthy of my family
22. Living in Holland - this is a great place to raise a family
23. U.S. Military that works to protect the freedoms of me and my family
24. Our extended family (mine and Chris)
25. A loving and forgiving God!!!

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